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Chip API

API reference docs for the Stash Chip component. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module.


import Chip from '@leaflink/stash/Chip.vue';


bgColorStashCommonColorundefinedThe background color of the chip. Needs to be one of our design system colors.
colorSchemeStashPrimaryColorGroupiceThe color for the chip that determines both the text and bg color. Needs to be one of the brand colors in our design system (not a shade).
disabledbooleanfalseDetermines if the chip is disabled.
isRemovablebooleanfalseDetermines if a close icon is surfaced.
radius"none" | "standard" | "pill"standardThe type of border radius to use.
shade"light" | "main"lightThe shade of the provided color to use for the background color. This effects the inferred text color unless a specific text color is provided. Currently only `light` and `main` shades are supported. `dark` may be added in the future.
shouldOverrideColorsbooleanfalseDetermines if background and text color in Chip should be overidden.
size"small" | "medium"mediumThe size of the chip.
textColorStashCommonColorundefinedThe color of the chip text. Needs to be one of our design system colors.


defaultChip text


clickFires on click of the chip.
removeIf `is-removable` is true, fires on click of the close button.