A simple component that allows you to input long texts
Basic Textarea
<Textarea />
Default value
<Textarea model-value="A default value" />
Error text
<Textarea error-text="There is an error" />
Hint text
Using a prop:
<Textarea hint-text="Try entering some text here" />
Using a slot:
<template #hint>
Try entering some text here
<Textarea label="Hello label" />
<Textarea placeholder="One does not simply walk into Mordor" />
Placeholder and hint
<Textarea hint-text="Try entering some text here" placeholder="One does not simply walk into Mordor" />
If the user cannot take any action to make the field editable, the is-read-only
prop should be used instead.
See Disabled vs read-only for details.
<Textarea hint-text="Try entering some text here" placeholder="One does not simply walk into Mordor" disabled />
Read Only
Similar to disabled fields, read-only fields cannot be edited. However, unlike disabled fields, read-only fields are able to receive focus, but are not intended to become editable.
Rows number
The number of rows can be set to a specific value.
Max length
The maximum number of characters that can be entered.
The resize property will allow the textarea to be vertically resizable. It will automatically scroll the parent container (if parent container is scrollable) or page down as necessary.
<Textarea resize placeholder="placeholder text" />
Alternatively, it is possible to disable the automatic scroll if needed.
<Textarea :resize="{ forceBrowserScroll: false }" placeholder="placeholder text" />
See the documentation below for a complete reference to all the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.